

From the Classroom to Kickstarter by Joseph Sutton

In hindsight, I had a clichéd vision of working life while I was studying at university. For my first job, I expected a regimented working day and a cycle of never-ending routines: the alarm at 7am, the sleepwalk to the shower, the rushed breakfast, the…
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Catipilla exhibition booth with real cats

Preparing for Launch

It was with a sense of excitement and relief that we set our Kickstarter launch date for April 10th, a mere 3 weeks away. With the date fast approaching, we thought we would update you on our preparations for launch. Following successful testing on our…
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Cat sat on table

Are We a Nation of Mad-Catters?

Let us just throw some facts and figures at you. On average, 1 in 8 of us in the UK own a cat. 1 in 7 of us own a dog. Our total pet population is over 56 MILLION, and we spend some £6,000,000,000 (billion)…
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Cat and dog

Our Motivation for Catipilla

What is it about pets? We, as a nation, adore them. The UK pet industry is worth a staggering £4-5 billion a year, and a recent survey by the Telegraph reveal that 2/3 of pet owners found their pets to be ‘beloved members of the…
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