How to Provide Enrichment in a Cat Garden

There was a time when cats could roam free to their heart’s content. They came and went as they pleased and, as a result, they were often put in harm’s way. In recent years, many cat owners have moved away from free-living cats and have taken to keeping cats indoors or contained to the garden in designated outdoor spaces. The motives for this change are many, but they include:

· Increase in road traffic resulted in an increase in cats being involved in accidents on the road.

· Cats being targeted by thieves or people using them for bait.

· To help prevent unwanted pregnancies, fighting and getting lost.

· Help stop the spread of disease.

To pacify unhappy neighbors.

These are a handful of the reasons given in a recent cat containment survey conducted by International Cat Care and ProtectaPet. Whatever the reason might be, cats kept at home need excitement, exercise and entertainment to remain healthy. With that in mind, here are a few top tips on how to provide enrichment in a cat garden.

Cat-Friendly Plants and Flowers

There are many plants that are toxic to cats. The list of poisonous plants to avoid include lilies, English Ivy, Tulip bulbs and Chrysanthemums. Root through your borders and flower beds and remove any plants that could result in an ill cat.

Plant Healthy Treats

Replace the plants and flowers with cat-friendly alternatives. There are many different edible plants that your cat will love to discover in the garden. Some of the favorites to consider are:

· Catnip.

· Catmint.

· Cat grass.

Plant in multiple areas dotted around the garden in pots and borders. Your cat will be delighted when they discover a new patch to chew on!

Climbing Opportunities

Cats love to climb. They feel happy overlooking their territory, they feel safe away from danger and it’s a wonderful way of using up energy and staying fit and healthy. Therefore, the perfect cat garden needs to provide the cat with plenty of climbing opportunities. Add cat climbing frames and your cats will be in their element. Remember to source cat trees designed for outdoor use to avoid elemental damage.

Shaded and Covered Spots

The weather in the UK isn’t always the best. However, it’s important to provide adequate shade for when the sun does shine. Create different options of shade such as trees, overhanging plants, benches, cat kennels and so on. These shaded areas will also be appreciated when the rain falls from the sky.

Enclose the Garden

There are several types of cat enclosures that are readily available, from cat fences to cat runs. These are no longer rare and expensive items. They are commonly used and provide cats with a safe, enclosed environment. Owners can also relax with peace of mind. Choose the right type of cat containment system to suit your cats, home and budget. You can add more interest to a garden and encourage a safe environment for many types of wildlife by thickening up your hedges, too.

There are plenty of ways of helping a cat to enjoy the best parts of life. Providing a safe, enclosed garden is just one of them. For anyone wanting to explore this option further, Catipilla would recommend the team at Protectapet. They’re cat containment systems are truly innovative and their team is always on hand to help. Please click on this link to visit them online.

Our Core Values

Why Catipilla? Every product and idea we have is built around these core values.

Cat health and well-being.
Cats deserve the best. They deserve to be active, to be entertained, to stretch, to climb and to rest. To play out all of their natural instincts where they feel safest – at home. Our range has been designed to cater for these instincts and provide the most enjoyment possible.

High-quality, space-saving additions to your home.
Every unit we design is built to last. We want you to have the confidence that our products will stand the test of time. We also want to ensure that cats feel secure on our units and have the freedom to roam wherever they please.

Sustainable products that last a lifetime.
All of our Catipilla products are made from 85% recycled material and we actively work to reduce our energy footprint by sourcing materials close to home.

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